A Holistic Health Practitioner of Integrative Medicine, Life Coach and Reiki Practitioner, I'm committed to provide the knowledge and experience necessary to help you create a life that you deserve.
I'm grateful to have been exposed to alternative philosophies early in life, these teachings planted many seeds. One of 'em, discovering the power in self-awareness, it shook my world up! When I realized I don’t have to accept my circumstances as is, I can change ‘em; I searched for ways to enhance, expand and finesse a healthier me. The results? Life-changing breakthroughs. Experience quantum leaps and the wisdom gained alters your life. Never give up on yourself!
I love music, meditation, stillness, books, concerts, travel, the arts, foodgasms, the energy in the form of gratitude, and of course, being surrounded by loving, healthy peeps.
For 20 years, I've dedicated myself to researching holistic and alternative methods for healthy living. I've spent these years first learning how to treat myself of my debilitating ailments, before treating others. I’ve been sick and I’ve felt overwhelming hopelessness. I’ve healed and gotten through the “worst” of it. I keep pushing forward, ready for what’s next, forever grateful for the lessons. YOU CAN TOO.
I consider myself a bad-ass who struts to the rhythm of her own soundtrack. What's your tune?
My Training.
I suffered and struggled with chronic strep throat, chronic constipation (if I shat once a month, we “celebrated” as if we'd pop open some confetti for this magical moment), horrible acne, skin rashes, leg pains, fungus, candida, parasites, leaky gut, depression, weight issues and hot flashes ...
Back in a Time Far, Far Away.
Born an empath and seeker of truth, I've been on an expedition that has granted me the ability to teach you how to live a life that works for you, your terms, but a healthier happier version of you.
An introvert by nature, I’d always struggled to fit in. Yet, as a child, I had an uncanny ability to attract and deeply connect with adults seeking to feel heard. I listened to quite a few shocking rated PG stories. I often felt confused as to why those roles weren't reversed, since I was "the child." Along my spiritual path, I later learned of my claircognizant/clairsentient and empathetic abilities, which drew in these experiences, I now embrace as part of my awakened journey.
I would describe my impressionable early school years as painful, jarring and the occasional exciting change, that comes with the experience of self discovery and self expression. As a young adult, I struggled to find ways to discover who I really am, despite the overall conditioning. I followed out-of-touch unconscious rules and lived according to what others voiced as right for me, which manifested as physical and emotional turmoil. I felt completely disconnected from myself.
Living a S.A.D. Life?.
Misled by an American societal belief system of what was and is considered “healthy,” I was your typical child raised on the Standard American Diet, or “S.A.D." How ironically fitting this abbreviation is.
During my childhood and into my adult life, I suffered and struggled with chronic strep throat, chronic constipation (if I shat once a month, we “celebrated” as if we'd pop open some confetti for this magical moment), horrible acne, skin rashes, leg pains, fungus, candida, parasites, leaky gut, depression, weight issues and hot flashes. Symptoms of menopause at the age of fifteen; a rush of body heat from head to toe in 20 degree NYC weather, whatha!?! I was an emotional hoarder, irritable, had explosive anger, insomnia, lacked focus and brain fog. OUCH, how SAD is that!?! Unfortunately, medications prescribed to suppress my physical symptoms led to the overall collapse of my health. My immune and digestive system were in crisis mode. I later discovered the “foods” I was eating and the foods I was not eating were large contributors to my S.A.D. state of health.
I Don't Believe in Coincidences.
I graduated with an AAS in Applied Science and later hired by a prestigious ivy league medical institution, a Contract Specialist/Manager for renowned Scientist of the U.S. and abroad. My first young "adult" job. I had access to and read through thousands of animal and human clinical and non-clinical research; privy to the advancements, downfalls and adverse effects of modern medicine/technology. By no means was I working my dream job. Nonetheless, I took advantage of my opportunities. I climbed the money ladder, earned a six-figured salary, travelled, made investments, achieved many goals and highly embraced the party scene. I had things to show for it, yet I felt shitty all the time. Unhealthy, lost and without direction, can you relate?
The wrong foods and habits, combined with lots of weekend drinking and smoking, of course, intensified the long history of all of my existing ailments. My debilitating health issues needed some dire attention. As my unplanned career took off, I questioned what needed to be different. How did I need to change, so I can enjoy every day life feeling good. Through divine timing and serendipitous happenings, I was guided towards the world of naturolpathic holistic medicine, nutrition and many alternative and meditation practices. Western Medicine vs. Eastern Medicine, coincidence? I think not! Self-nurturing and self-healing became my fascination. As I experienced the results of healing my own ailments one-by-one.
Embracing Purposeful Change.
Over a decade in my career had past and my enthused flourishing zest for naturopathic teachings continued. I found my purpose and I knew undeniable change was underway. I chose to pursue my passion to teach of the healing powers of self-nurturing, in pursuit of a life that nourishes my soul and makes a difference in our lives.
I've obtained a wealth of knowledge and the experience to impact your life. From all the extensive trainings, to all the self-studying, self-teaching, self-investing, practices and experience of many holistic alternative modalities, I make it my responsibility to share what I've learned and continue to learn.
What is Your Health Worth?.
My CORE belief, it's incredibly expensive to be sick. A life of daily medication and stress is emotionally and physical debilitating. Invest your time, energy and hard earned money building yourself up; a life filled with hustle worthy rewarding personal achievement. I look forward to meeting you where you’re at and guiding you to where you want to be.
Finished Your Snack?.
I genuinely thank you for taking such interest and I‘m excited to connect with you. Don't dismiss why you find yourself here. You want better and have the courage to go for it. You're worth it, I'm worth it. Act NOW - Let's manifest greatness!
My Training.
Find out how you can bring some much needed relief and resolution into your every day life.
Learn how to trust that you're enough despite of what you have been conditioned to believe
Learn how to flow with ease and embrace your life lessons
Learn how to reconnect with your spirit and with those who are worthy of you ~ connectivity feeds the soul